I want to do that with my family. We have all we ever need. All we could ever really wish for. We don't need more things. Things that make us discontented and just want more. I want to change my heart this Christmas and find ways to give to those around me. To give Jesus a gift for His birthday.
So I read through Ann's blog post with my family. The girls also wanted to find a way to give a gift to Jesus this Christmas. Right away the girls said that they wanted to raise money to buy an animal for a poor family. We talked about what that meant. That mommy and daddy were not just going to buy an animal that they picked out. I challenged them to pick an animal they wanted to buy and then raise the money for it. Bekah said that she and Hannah could raise $200. We encouraged them to maybe try to raise $25 or even $50, but Bekah would not be persuaded. She is set on raising $200. So we are going to support her. God can do mighty things through the least of these.
Then we looked through the World Vision Catalog to see what we could get for a family in need. They choose a goat for $75 and a sheep for $126.
Why we choose a Goat
Give a goat. Goats nourish hungry children and families with healthy milk, cheese, and yogurt. Goats also give a much-needed income boost by providing offspring and extra dairy products for sale at the market.
A healthy dairy goat can give up to 16 cups of milk a day. Goat milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk and is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients that growing children need. Goats are practical animals — flourishing in harsh climates while producing valuable manure to fertilize crops and vegetable gardens.
Why we choose a Sheep
People love to give sheep. One healthy ewe gives highly nutritious milk for essential protein, vitamins, and minerals, plus plenty of wool to knit warm sweaters and blankets. Sheep often give birth to twins or triplets, which can be sold for income or bred to produce a whole flock of woolly grazers. Plus, sheep’s milk is up to twice as rich as cow’s milk in nutrients like protein, calcium, and B vitamins that growing kids need. It’s the perfect gift to celebrate the birth of Jesus—the Lamb of God.
How can children, my children, raise this money?
The girls are learning to bake and cook in the kitchen and are doing a great job. They will be working very hard over the next month to bake cookies and sell them to raise money for their goat and sheep. They will make Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies and Brownies (not GF). They will sell 3 cookies for $2 and a brownie for $1. Would you like to help them? Help them to change the world one family at a time.
This Christmas, we are looking forward to focusing on giving Christ gifts.
Focusing on blessing others to give to the One who gives us all things.
“When You give to the least of these — you give to Me.”
We are having a family birthday party for Jesus and are inviting you to be a part of it.
This Christmas, we are looking forward to focusing on giving Christ gifts.
Focusing on blessing others to give to the One who gives us all things.
“When You give to the least of these — you give to Me.”
We are having a family birthday party for Jesus and are inviting you to be a part of it.