Monday, August 18, 2008

Sonic Icecream

I am still doing well. Thanks to so many people praying the contractions are under control and my spirits are great. I'm really enjoying the time I spend with Bekah. It is so encouraging to me to see how so many people are there for our family and are praying and supporting us in so many ways. Thank-you all.

Here are some more fun photos from Colorado.

Bekah loves her daddy. On the way home from visiting our relatives we stopped by Sonic for some icecream. It was a really nice treat.

Icecream is so yummy!!

Bekah kept holding onto the very end of her spoon to eat. I tried it but it doesn't work so well.

Chris loves Sonic. We thought of you, Stephanie, when got our icecream.

Bekah kept sticking her spoon into her icecream and getting it stuck. This time the icecream flung all over her face and head. She wasn't too pleased with this, but we had a good laugh.

Sister's with their little girls.


  1. I'm glad to hear that you are hanging in there Sarah. I have women at my church praying for you! Sonic is awesome!!! Everytime we head south we hit one. Yummy!!!

    Enjoy your "down" time while you can. I'm glad

  2. Oops, Sophia hit keys and it posted before I was done.

    I was just going to say that I'm glad that you have this special time just with Bekah. I'll keep praying for you. Hang in there Sarah!!

  3. Love the pictures! Santa Rosa needs a Sonic :)

  4. Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you yet! This week has become very busy, and it isn't slowing down at all until next week :(

    I'll try to give you a call when I get the chance. Still praying for you!
