Sunday, August 17, 2008

Photo shoot in Colorado

My beautiful sister and I had fun doing several photo shoots by her house in Colorado. Here she is on the golf course. There were so many places for cool pictures.

Bekah was so sweet with Taeya. She held her so gently and gave her lots of love.

Megan and her sweet baby. Taeya just loves her mommy!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Bekah. She did NOT want any more pictures taken and was being a stinker. We got this one right before she completely melted down.

I finally just held her and looked out over the valley so we could get one or two pictures.

Praise the Lord: I am now at 27 weeks today. The baby's lungs are now much more mature and she has a better chance of doing well. I don't know if I have told you all but the baby is most likely a little girl. That is why I am referring to the baby as her. I am having less contractions an hour since I have changed to taking the medicine every 4 hours. I'm staying on the couch and resting like I should.


  1. I'm still praying for you Sarah! You look amazing in all of your pictures. I miss you a ton.


  2. Hi Sarah, I missed you in church today. Bekah was in the two's class and I was the teacher. She did great. She was really excited when your dad came and picked her up.

    The 2's story was on Joash and Jehoida cleaning up the temple.

  3. We are praying for you! Miss you - we will chat soon. Great pics!

  4. Sorry I missed your call tonight. My anorexic/suicidal/homicidal best friend was over watching a movie with me, and I obviously couldn't answer the phone.

    Fortunately, my friend is doing better (for now) and went home an hour or so ago. If I weren't so tired right now, I'd call you back. (I stayed up late watching the Olympics and then had to get up way too early to take Mark to work.)
