Friday, August 15, 2008

White water rafting in Colorado

I am being very good on my bed rest. I stay on the couch all the time except for bathroom breaks. It has been such a blessing having friends and family here to take care of Bekah and help me too. I am still having lots of contractions. Every time I get up or move I have another contraction (one of the reasons I am being so careful) After talking to the doctor I am now taking my medicine to control the contractions every 4 hours around the clock instead of every 6 hours. Please pray that this will help them to slow down and become less intense.

Here are some fun pictures from Colorado since I just haven't had the time to post them yet.

Sarah and Chris. Phil and Megan. White water rafting on the Colorado River.

They told us that every single person except the very young kids had to paddle. I was standing here when the guide came up to give me a paddle. I said, "No thanks." She explained that everyone was expected to paddle. I told her I was 6 months pregnant and would not be paddling. Only then did she realize I was pregnant and then she was totally fine with me just relaxing in the boat.

There was a ninty foot deep eddy that we stopped at to get out and swim. Megan and I threw Phil in the water. Chris jumped in voluntarily after he saw what happened to Phil. The water was cold but refreshing.

That was right before a big wave hit the boat. There were only a few rapids where we actually got wet and this was one of them. It was so fun. Next time (when I'm not pregnant) it would be fun to go down big rapids and get soaked.

We had tons of fun on the river. Here we are after it was all done.

Since we had a babysitter and we were all hungry we stopped at the Dairy Queen for a quick lunch and of course icecream.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah,

    While your on that couch of yours would you pray for Summer Koch. She is a 1 week old baby that was born at 36 weeks with her tummy parts outside of her tummy.

    She is in SF and her mommy will be staying with her for 8 weeks. She has 5 other siblings ages 1, 5, 6, 8, 10. They are sad and worried and miss their mom. They have a farm and with their mom gone the kids are responsible for all the animals. Their dad is in the middle of building their house this summer. So they need a lot of prayer!!!

    They are Nate and Betsy Koch's nieces and nephews and they live up here by us and homeschool. Thanks for praying.

