Monday, August 18, 2008

Glenwood Springs

I am now 27 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy. The contractions are under control though I still am having them when I get off the couch. I am taking it very easy and have lots of help here to take care of Bekah and let me rest. Thank-you all for your prayer and support.

Bekah was so sweet with Taeya. One afternoon while we were getting ready to leave Bekah noticed that Taeya didn't have any toys to play with. So she got toy after toy for her and piled them all on top of her.

This is the look she gave me when I tried to get a picture of her helping. I think she was getting pretty sick of the camera by this point. Can you tell that she has entered the terrible two's?

We rode the gondola up to Glenwood Springs. Bekah wasn't too sure at first but did really well.

Megan, Taeya and Phil

Bekah had fun climbing into the flower bed to see it better.

This was a fun game for Bekah. She would walk on the wall and then jump off into our arms.

Megan tried riding the bull. It was quite funny. She actually did very well.

Megan, Taeya and Phil

We were looking at the old photo gallery when a lady came up to me and said, " Hi Sarah." I don't know anyone in Colorado besides Megan so I had no idea who would know me. I turned and was so surprised to see Pastor Beckett and his wife Joan. He was my pastor in Pennsylvania and they were also my friends parents. I had spent a lot of time at their house growing up. We had a lovely time talking and getting caught up on them.

Pastor Tony and Joan Beckett

Our familys together.

We bought passes for Phil, Megan and Chris so that they could ride all the rides. We were all going to go through the Glenwood Caverns. It was a 70 min tour and involved lots of walking. We would have to carry the girls but thought it would be fun. We had to wait for 2 1/2 hours before heading into the caverns. We walked around and did some rides (not me!!) Right before we started the tour, Taeya fell asleep in the stroller and Bekah had a melt down on the concrete. She put her blanket on the cement, lay down and didn't want to move. I was tired out and so we decided that Megan and I would take the girls home. We did.

Chris and Phil stayed for the tour and then went on the Alpine Slide a couple of times in the rain. They had lots of fun. Chris called me on the way up the mountain after the first slide down. He said that it was insane and they were going to do it again.


  1. Hi Sarah, Just a quick note to let you know that we are praying for you. I'm so glad that your mom could come down this week to help you out. I hope that is going well for you and Bekah. I love all the pics of Colorado, especially the stubbon Bekah ones. :) I have a special place in my heart for stubborn girls.

  2. Elijah makes that same look when I take his picture. We love you Sarah!

