Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Haircut

My little sweetie.

On Friday my Aunt Jennifer took Bekah and me to get our hair cut. Bekah's bangs were in her eyes and my hair needed something different. I love my hairdressers. There is never a line and they are so sweet and nice. We were in and out in 15 minutes. No extra contractions either.

Bekah had so much fun taking the flower petals that were falling off the roses and throwing them on the sidewalk. Then she would get on her hands and knees and blow them away.

Here you can see my new hair cut. I love it! I went and sat on the front porch to get a little sun and watch Bekah play. The breeze was blowing and the sun was perfect.

My contractions have really decreased. I am really hoping to keep her in until very close to term. Last night I missed one of my doses for my medicine. I thought I had taken it, but I hadn't. I started having a bunch of contractions. I took the next dose a little early and went to bed to slow them down. They are under control this morning and I will be taking it really easy today. No more missing my medication!

Praise the Lord: Today I am 28 weeks. Life can only get better for my little one from here on out. 28 week preemies will be in the hospital for awhile but they rarely have major issues. It is so neat to see everyone from church, people I know well, hardly know or have maybe met once pitch in to help us out. We are so blessed! Thank-you all who have brought over a dinner, called me, visited or watched Bekah and especially those who are praying. God wil bless you. I am so encouraged and my spirits are lifted up. We love you all.


  1. You and Bekah look so beautiful. I love that she had to blow the petals off the sidewalk. I got the email about my surprise gift. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. How sweet of you. I'm sure it will be wonderful. Love ya and I'm praying for you.

  2. That is great that you are at 28 weeks! Praise God! I love your new looks so fresh.

  3. Hey! What part of bedrest is going out and getting a haircut?? :-P

    Tammy couldn't handle the bedrest thing, either, and she only had it for 2 or 3 weeks with the twins. I feel for you and am praying for extra patience for you. Check out for TV programs you can watch on the PC if ever you get caught with nothing on the TiVo. :-)

  4. Fantastic, Sarah! You will remain in my prayers!!
