Monday, June 23, 2008

Father's Day

We had a really nice Father's Day. Chris's family came over for lunch and dessert. Pastor Garland also got to come and share the day with us. We had lots of food and s'mores. Bekah was hot and tired. After getting her grahm cracker she came to snuggle with Daddy and Mommy. Bekah needed lots of cuddles today.

The guys got to play video games to their hearts content on Father's Day. They had a fun time hanging out and joking around.

Bekah kept playing with Uncle Kevin's huge shoe while she was trying to go potty. It is almost as big as she is.

We lite our fire place out side on Father's day and we had such fun making s'mores. The kids offered to cook all of the marshmallows for us but we like to cook our own. Jeremy kept burning his and so Grandmom Lynn and I had to eat all of those. Sometimes there wasn't much marshmallow left when he would let it burn too long.

We had the peanut butter out to put on our s'mores. It is so yummy to spread a layer of peanut butter on the grahm cracker, then add the chocolate and a cooked marshmallow. You have to try it if you haven't yet. I got chocolate and peanut butter all over my face and pants but it was well worth it!

This was Bekah's first taste of a marshmallow. She really wasn't too into it so we just gave her a grahm cracker with peanut butter on it.


  1. Looks like a fun Father's Day. Much more so than ours w/Phil having eye infections. The fire-pit is a great idea. I'm getting SO excited for you to come visit.

  2. I'm glad you all had a fun father's day

  3. Peanut butter on s'mores -- just one of the brilliant things I learned from my niece!! :)

  4. Looks like a super fun day! Peanut butter on smore's - Sarah learned that from who??????????

    Cute pictures- always enjoy seeing them!
