Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bekah's New Bedroom

Daddy was so cute putting Bekah to bed. A kiss for daddy!

This is Bekah's new canapy bed. It looks so pretty. The pictures don't really do it justice. The twinkle lights on the bed look awesome at night. I'm not totally done working on the fabric-just gotta get some inspiration and energy.

The bed spread and bed I got on overstock.com for a great price. The picture of the bed looked black and that's what I wanted. But when it arrived it was bronze. Not what I wanted at all. So I spent a couple days spray painting it black. Now I like it and everything is great.

This is a dresser that my mom refinished and painted. It looks awesome with the room.

Thanks Nana!!

My mom also found this pretty rocking chair and refinished and painted the little table. Doesn't it look so pretty? All the furniture my mom did has little rose buds and looks so girly and pretty.

Bekah has graduated to her new room and her new big girl bed. She is doing really great! After a trial run in her crib turned toddler bed she learned to stay in bed. Now she always stays in bed when told. What a good girl.


  1. Sarah, her room looks so great! Wow! I am impressed. I need to be inspired to do something to Leyna's room one of these days/years. :)

  2. I love her room! How adorable. I hope you are feeling good and hanging in there. Bekah is so cute in her new big girl bed.

  3. Great job - you did a nice job! Looks great!!!!! Can't wait to see it in person - maybe we can all get together sometime soon?????

  4. Such a pretty canopy with the lights -- and doesn't Bekah look mighty pleased!

    I like all the furniture Laurie painted -- so sweet & feminine.

    The picture of the teddy bear made me crack up -- looks like he's plugged in. Possibly he's another one of those delightful toys that make noise everytime you look at it? :)

  5. Oh Sarah, you did such a wonderful job pulling her room together! I am VERY impressed. It looks like a room definitely fit for a beautiful little girl. Way to go! I can't wait to see it in person.

  6. What a sweet room! I love that Peter Pan print :)
