Saturday, June 28, 2008

Swimming and other summer stuff

Bekah loves Grandmom's sparkly shirt. She kept trying to take off the sparkles and fireworks.

Isn't this picture so cute?

All smiles today.

Baby likes to swing just as much as Bekah.

The other day I was really hot and just wanted to swim. So we loaded up the car and drove to the Finnley Swim Center. We got there 20 minutes before it closed. The guy almost made us pay full price but then he let us in for free. The water was perfect and I really enjoyed spending time with Bekah in the pool. By the time we left she was jumping into my arms with out having my hands on her first. It was really fun!

Grandpop has big shoes that are fun to try on.

Bekah helping mommy make 5 minute cookies.


  1. Very cute pictures - love the ones with the spoon!

  2. Very fun. I'm glad you got to go swimming. The more exposure she gets, the better she'll do during lessons. It's funny, I made 5 minute cookies two days ago. Great minds think alike.

  3. She sure knows how to mug for the camera!!
