Saturday, June 21, 2008

Armstrong Grove

We had so much fun at Armstrong Grove. Bekah sits with mommy after a walk through the woods.

We bought some cherries to snack on. Bekah really wanted them so I gave her one to eat. She would take a bite then spit it out and throw the cherry down.

The kids loved eating them and spitting out the seeds.

Here we are at the theater at Armstrong Grove. The kids loved running around the stage.

I asked the ranger for a close by beach on the river to have lunch. She told me of a little known one that the locals go to. We drove there and had a really nice lunch. Bekah kept dropping her food in the sand, then would pick it up and eat it. Sand and all.

All tuckered out!


  1. Looks like fun - I love the last picture - sleeping little ones are too precious!

  2. And too quiet!! A very nice combination if you as me! :)

  3. What fun. I can't wait to visit the ocean again!!!!
