Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our 8th Anniversary

Chris and I have been married for 8 wonderful years. We met while working in the Jr High group at church. Chris actually had a huge influence in getting me to volunteer since he asked people to come and help out and I did. We emailed for awhile. Then talked on the phone for hours. Then we started hanging out all the time. We would not say we were dating because we weren't officially. Three months after meeting and getting to know each other we had that conversation where we figured out where the relationship was going. All of a sudden I knew that I truely loved him and wanted to spend my life with him. We were dating from that point on. My parents asked us to wait for 6 months to get engaged and then another year to get married. After struggling with that for awhile we decided to honor them and do it their way. We got married June 17th, 2000.

We had a wonderful honeymoon and then came back to start our life together. We have had so much happen in the last 8 years: I finished nursing school, we raised Chris's neice's and nephew for a year and a half, I worked at Children's Hospital in Oakland and now am working at Sutter in the Neonatal Intensive Care, we had Bekah, Chris worked at Santa Rosa Bible Church and now is working at Macintosh Construction, we are expecting another little baby in 5 months, we bought a house and have made a ton of memories together. Though we have had up's and down's mostly it has been a really, really good 8 years. Chris is my best friend and confidant. I love him so much that I can't imagine loving him anymore. We are just perfect for each other and I love having a happy, peaceful life with the man God has given me.

Here are some pictures from the last two years of our life together. I'll post some Anniversary date night pictures later. Enjoy!

This was the best day of my life. Our new family all together!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Those were cute pictures and it was fun to read a bit of your story. Have a great day celebrating!

  2. Happy Anniversary Sarah & Chris! I love you so much. I enjoyed all of the pictures. I hope you had a wonderful evening tonight on your date. You deserve it. Hugs and kisses!! (Remember how much I cried during the wedding? hehehe oh, such an emotional girl!)

  3. Congratulations you two! Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating -- maybe a few memorable kisses like the one Catie illustrated from your wedding! :)

  4. Happy Anniversary :) I am happy I was there during those dating years :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! I'm so glad that I got to be involved in both our your lives during that time. It is always fun to see a relationship bloom. Your wedding was beautiful also! :) Congrats on 8 years!!!

  6. Congratulations on 8 years. Sarah, while you can't imagine loving Chris more than you do, trust me, it keeps getting better! (We're coming up on 13 years in a couple of weeks.)

    I totally expected that the first couple of years would be the best, but I was so wrong! :-)

  7. It's hard to believe it's been eight years. I remember the pre-dating days--and watching you two fall in love was so much fun. It's been wonderful to watch your lives unfold as you grow closer together. You are blessed indeed--and David's remark about it just getting better? We've been married21 years and better all the time. For real.
