Friday, May 23, 2008

Uncle Kevin

Bekah loves her Uncle Kevin so much. She likes to play with him and try on his glasses and hat. I love this cute picture!

Swinging is awesome. She loves to clap and shout while swinging. I'm glad she loves it since I get sea sick now when swinging.

We are working at refinishing the picnic tables that we got from my parents. It has lots of layers of paint and they were just peeling off. Chris's parents and brother came over to help us work on it. Bekah was interested in the noise and what we were doing.

I look so cool- just like Uncle Kevin.


  1. What a cutie! I love how she just loves life.

  2. Oh those pictures are SOOO cute!!! I love the dress. She does look so proud to be wearing the glasses.

  3. Great pictures -- the first one with the white background turned out so cute!! :)
