Friday, May 23, 2008

My funny Little Valentine

Bekah helped me plant some flowers out front. Ok, so I planted them and then she would pull out the whole plant. And she loves to pull off the petals of the flowers. But she does like to help mommy. Soon she will learn the best way to do that.

Some pretty cute take-out.

A true American girl. She loves her oreo's. Bekah figured out how to take the cookie apart and then lick the cream off of the cookie. Sometimes she eats the cookie and sometimes she just wants the cream.

Such a dirty mess. It looked like she had been eating dirt.


  1. Sarah and Chris

    Rita loves your pictures of Bekah. She told me today that if she had a child like Bekah, she wouldn't want a "dog" I laughed and laughed. I hope you take it the right way!!!

  2. Love the oreo cookies! :) It's amazing how messy kids can be with food.

  3. Does she look like a daddy's girl with the baseball cap on backwards or what??? So cute!

  4. The pictures were super cute! I like her in the take-out bag - very cute!
