Monday, May 26, 2008


Bekah is such a daddy's girl. I love the little moments that they get to spend together. Little things like riding on her daddy's shoulders, kisses, a snuggle. The other day I came home from work around 8 am. Bekah was still in bed so I got her up and we went to see daddy. After a hello I took Bekah to change her. She just kept saying, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" with a big grin on her face. I said, "Do you love your Daddy?" She said, " I love." That was the first time she had ever said that. It was just so precious and a sweet reminder of how we should be with our heavenly Father.

I love Chris' face here. Bekah had a death grip on his cheek. Ouch!

Just a quick prayer request: Chris has had a fever for over a week now. He is on the 8th day of a constant fever and just feels so crummy. Bekah just came down with a fever today and is really not feeling well either. As I said to Chris, 1 year olds just don't sit still for over 2 minutes unless they are really sick. She is wanting to snuggle all the time. Her favorite words are, "Up ease." (Up Please.) I think I am also fighting it but not as bad as Chris. No fever yet. Please pray that we can all feel better soon. Thanks!!


  1. Cute pictures. Did Bekah get her hair cut? Sorry to hear that you guys have been sick. I will pray!

  2. Praying you are all well soon!
