Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Such a busy day

Bekah had such a busy day. Playing in the sandbox. . .

Riding a bike with daddy helping. . .

Playing with the dog. . . .

Having a bit of a tantrum.


  1. Bekah has tantrums?


    Taeya will NEVER have any tantrums. (said with dripping sarcasm).

  2. Yeah right, Megan.

    Steven's already had at least two because I stopped feeding him before he wanted me to. It didn't matter that I was going to give him cereal and vegetables--he wouldn't be quiet (or open his eyes!) long enough to find out!

    Life sure has changed!

  3. She is so cute! I like the bike pictures - but I especially like the tantrum pic - I know my time is coming soon - I am positive Allie will have them :)
