Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Playing in the Pool

After working a night shift I woke up to Chris telling me to get up and come to the back yard since Bekah was being too cute. I found her playing in the pool. She was just loving it. I was glad I got to play with her a bit.

Bekah loves her Uncle Kevin

Grandpop and Grandmom give Bekah a hug.

The next day Chase came down to play with Bekah in the pool. They had lots of fun.

Such cool shades. Bekah loves to wear them and take them off. Once she got the velcro stuck in her hair. She sat there saying, " Stuck!! Stuck !!" Clear as day.


  1. We think she's just the cutest little bathing beauty ever -- especially love the shades! So cool. :) Looks like a very fun pool too.

  2. Those pictures are adorable - and I love her pool - what fun times!!!!!

  3. Of course that was not Jeremy - opps - that was me :)

  4. SO cute! Taeya has the same sunglasses but they still don't quite fit her. I want to be there swimming with Bekah.

  5. Very adorable. :) I'm glad you got to spend time with her in the pool.
