Thursday, May 15, 2008

Heat Wave

It got soooo hot today. Up to 100 degrees. When the kids got home from school they were all really hot. Bekah's cheeks were so red. I filled up the pool and let them all play in it. The water was freezing but they didn't complain at all. They had fun soaking their heads and cooling off.

So we are getting ready for Bekah to move on up to a big girl bed. I am working on getting her new room ready to move into. Meanwhile, I transformed her crib into a toddler bed. She was so obedient and stayed in her bed without too much fuss. After the first three times with no problem I left the baby gate down when I put her to bed the other night. Chris and I went outside to work on the sprinkler system. After 30 min. I went into get something. Bekah was standing in the dining room crying. I picked her up and she was soaking wet. I checked the upstairs bathroom and there was no water on the floor. I thought maybe she had gone outside, gotten wet in the sprinklers and then went inside. I put her back to bed and then went into our bathroom. The floor was covered in what could only be toilet water. Yuck!! After cleaning it all up I checked on Bekah again. She was just pulling her drum out of the closet and started to bang on it. I had her put it away and clean up all the baby wipes that she had spread all over the room. After some discipline I put her back to bed. One minute later she slid out of bed again. I disciplined her a bit more and made sure she would remember. No more getting out of bed since then. What a kid!


  1. I could have used a pool today too - yikes it was warm! Looks like fun! I can just picture her getting in and out of bed and wipes spread everywhere! What fun times - - - at least you are doing it now! Did the bed come in?

  2. The bed is in and I am in the process of painting it black. It came a nice bronze color that I wasn't too fond of.

  3. Fun times transitioning to a big girl bed. They think that they are free and go crazy!!! :) I could feel your pain with you! The wipes everywhere is the worse. :)

  4. Can't wait to see the bed - -

  5. Toilet water...gross! It's funny to see where they go when they're "free." I enjoyed the pool pictures too.

  6. Bekah is so cute! My mom finally had to sit in a chair outside Katie's door when she got her first bed. I think my mom spanked her 15 times that night because she just kept coming out.

    It must of worked, though, because she stays in her bed all night long now :)

  7. Reminds me of someone else who liked to get out of her "big girl bed" to come and stare at mommy and daddy in bed. We had many trips round about until Sarah learned that she had to stay in the big bed to sleep because someone else would soon replace her in the crib! sound familiar?
