Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just Such a Helper

I just love it when Bekah comes to help me wash dishes. I always know that I will have to change her right after and clean up all the water but it is always worth it. Enjoy mommy's little helper.


  1. Isn't it great to have happy helpers?! I just hope all this fostering of good cleaning habits pays off when our girls are older. :) Bekah sure is cute!

  2. Awe, she looks like she SHOULD be helping you with dishes while wearing that adorable little dress. Taeya has one similar...they should wear them together for pictures. Too bad they're a 1,000 miles apart.

  3. Those pictures are so cute!!! What fun to have a little helper like that :)

  4. she is so cute! i just love the dress. we definitely have to have a girl next--i already have cute dresses that i picked up at garage sales before we found out that we couldn't really request a girl.

    boys are fun too, of course, but you don't get to dress them up as much :(

    are you planning on finding out the gender of your baby ahead of time??

  5. So cute! Kudos Sarah for encouraging her helpful habits even though they make more work for you now!!

    She sure is a great advertisement for Melissa's cute little dresses!!

  6. Big helpers are great. If we can just keep it going when they actually can be of some use! :) Bekah is adorable.
