Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sweet Little Apple Blossom

Ok, so it's been a long time since I have blogged. Sorry. I have had kids here with fevers for weeks. Now Bekah is teething and is miserable. Oh well, such is life. So I tried to blog on Monday. I had this blog almost done when a tragedy happened. I got up from the table and was getting something in the kitchen when the dogs went crazy and I heard a horrible sound. As I turned the corner I saw the back of the lab top not on the lap top. The screen was smashed and the computer killed. Anyway, I couldn't finish the blog. Chris just brought the new lab top home and so here is the blog.

Here are some of my new favorite pictures of Bekah. I gave her an apple and she really loved it.

So she loved taking bites out of it and putting them on the table, but hey, it kept her happy for awhile.


  1. Well, I'm so glad you got a new computer but very sad about the old one. :( It's frustrating when accidents like that happen. Bekah's adorable. Guess she's practicing using her little teeth with the bites of apple. Why swallow? She's a cutie pie.

  2. Oh your poor laptop :( Becca is getting so big! I miss you guys. I wish we could visit sometime soon but not sure when we will be able to. Glad you are back to blogging :)

  3. so cute!! probably no chance that she went back and actually ate any of the apple, right?

    i've had a couple of people ask me if steven's teething right now. wouldn't 3 1/2 months be really early for that?? i think he just likes to chew his hands. but that combined with a few cranky times have made some ask.
