Saturday, March 15, 2008

My funny little girl

Bekah's new thing that she likes to do is to sit with her hands over her ears and talk. She sings and shouts with her ears covered and then uncovered. It is so cute!!

Bekah loves walking around with soda cans pretending to drink out of them.

Learning to ride my tricycle. Bekah loves to be pushed around on her tricycle.

Reading a magazine

One of her favorite pasttimes is pushing around the chairs in the dinning room.

Bekah loves her olives. But only if they will fit on her fingers. If they won't fit on her fingers she refuses to eat them.

Can I fit one more kix in my mouth?


  1. Such a cutie! I can't believe how fast she is growing!!!

  2. Awww...I love how she's always learning new things. If she was around Taeya the past few days, the pictures would with hands over her ears would be perfect. (Taeya's been fussy the last few days) :( Love ya all!

  3. All of those pictures are just sooooooooo cute! She is growing up but looks like she is tons of fun! What a doll!

  4. What a cutie! I love all the pictures. I think that the olive thing is funny. Kids can be a hoot with the things they come up with! :)
