Monday, March 17, 2008

Bekah loves her Mommy and Daddy

I love these pictures of Bekah with her mommy and daddy.

This was the first time Bekah listened to her heart. She just sat there and listened for about 5 min. This was my first stethescope given to me by my neighbor, Jenny. She is a nurse and knew that I also wanted to be a nurse. For my graduation she surprised me with this stethescope.

I caught on camera the first time Bekah kissed her daddy. Isn't it so sweet. She really is a daddy's girl.


  1. So beautiful. I love the pics of Bekah with you two. I think I'm going to have to call you now.

  2. I love the pictures, especially with you and her in the circle. What a sweetheart.

  3. Those pictures are to cute! What sweet pictures of you all with her!

  4. Great pictures -- my favorite is the one of her & Chris cracking up together! So cute. :)
