Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Soda cans and Slippers

Bekah found a couple of empty soda cans in the recycling. She ran around the house all afternoon pretending to drink out of the cans and laughing. It took a lot of work to get these pictures. Bekah thought we were playing a game of chase and kept running so fast. I had to run and run to get a few pictures.

My sweet, sweet baby!!

Uncle Dan and Aunt Rita were so nice and sent Bekah a new pair of slippers. They are kind of big for her but she doesn't care. Bekah would bring them to me to put on. Then she would walk around until they fell off and then bring them back to me.


  1. She is so cute! Love the slippers!

  2. Awe. Adorable! Love the pretend drinking.

  3. you need to show some pics of that new blue dress she got!

  4. At the risk of sounding redundant, that child is soooooooo cute!! :) She needs to come spend some time with her auntie Jen!

  5. I love the slippers! You have an adorable little girl. :)

  6. hey your daughter is precious. nice to see what you are up to these days!!!

  7. Time for a new post -- Auntie Jen needs a fix! :)
