Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Chris got an inflatable raft for Father's Day from Bekah and I. There is a good story that goes with it too. Years ago we had found an inflatable kayak. We blew it up and discovered there were no holes. We just couldn't figure out why someone would throw away a perfectly good piece of equipment. So we took it to Hartstone and planned a day of kayaking on the river. We soon found out why someone threw it away. It would NOT go straight. No matter how you paddled the thing or how slow you went it would just spin in circles. Finally we gave up and just floated.

Megan and Phil heard about our mishap and they wanted to try it. They thought we just didn't know what we were doing and that will all their expertise they could make it work just fine. Well, that didn't happen. The mile or two trip they had planned didn't materialize cause they also just spun in circles. Finally they gave up and threw it away. I wonder if someone else found it?

So, I was trying to come up with something more creative than a tie or a shirt and ended up seeing this inflatable raft. So we will take this up to Hartstone and try a trip down the river with our baby. We are really hoping that this one works better. Bekah looks like she is ready to go. Maybe she can take over the oars for us. That is if we want them covered in drool.

Bekah is getting very mobile. Yesterday she climbed up under the side table all by herself. She was chasing the kitty and then got herself stuck. It was very funny.

I have been giving Bekah lots of baths outside. It cools her off when its hot and it's a nice change of scenery. The other day I set her next to the pool and went inside to fill up a pot with warm water. When I came out she was stuck underneath the tub. I set it up and sat her next to it again. She soon had it flipped over on her self again. I love seeing her explore and learn new stuff.


  1. Very cute pictures! Great idea - you will love using it at Hartstone - still not sure what I am going to do - I know I can get down to the river - just not sure I could get back up! Hope you are doing well! See you next week when I return :):)

  2. I'm missing out on soooo much of Bekah's growth! Loved the pics. Her face looks so cute when she's stuck under the table. Auntie Megan will teach her to swim soon.

  3. Sarah,

    Can you please e-mail me so I have your address here in MO :) I wanted to e -mail you - needed to talk with you about something, but can't find your e-mail - thanks!

  4. What adorable pictures. I love the story of the raft! That is classic.

  5. The kayak story is great -- I loved you wondering whether or not someone else would find it and float in circles! :)
