Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Remotes, pig tails and more

I love this little dress Aunt Jennifer gave Bekah. It is so pretty on her. I snapped of few pictures of Bekah with her favorite toy-the remote. She was so thrilled to play with it that we finally gave her her own remote to chew on.

While Chris and I were eating dinner I looked down and both Bekah and Bailey were intently watching us eat. I think they both wanted to taste what we were having.

On Sunday I saw Lena with an adorable pony tail in her hair. I just had to try it on Bekah. Man is it hard to get her to sit still long enough to put it in.

I finally got a good picture of her two little bottom teeth. So cute!

Bekah takes lots of time taking good care of her teeth. Does it really matter which end of the tooth brush you use?

Bailey has the patience of a saint with Bekah. They are really good buddies though.

I really enjoy taking pictures with Bekah. She is my little sweetie. My darling girl.


  1. Those pics are adorable - what cute smiles she has! Love the dress!

  2. Bekah just needs a little Bam-bam bone for her pony tail. Love the pics.

  3. Aunt Janet and I love the Pics. Keep them coming


  4. Sarah,

    You must not have had enough dolls to play with when you were little, because you are making up time with your daughter! Love the pony tail and dress.

  5. I love the little pig tail. I'm glad you are enjoying your daughter so much!

  6. ok she is so cute!! I love the pony tail!!

  7. She looks so cute in her little dress. But hey, she just looks so cute in everything!
