Saturday, June 30, 2007

Bekah loves Mommy and Daddy

Chris and I just adore our little girl. Each day we enjoy her smiles, giggles and cuteness. Here is us just plain enjoying her.

Bekah likes it when daddy throws her up in the air. You like her wild hair?

Daddy reads Bekah a story. How sweet.

Bekah likes to pull herself up onto her papa and stand next to him smiling away. One time she stood all by herself for a second.


  1. Yea a new post and new pics - she is cute and growing quickly!!!! Time flies!

  2. Oh, she's getting sooo big! Cute pics. Is that "Guess how much I Love You" that Chris was reading to Bekah? By the way, I like that you're trying to grow your bangs out! :)

  3. I don't know if you'll read this before family camp but they have infant life-vests at Costco. I can't wait to see all your pictures when you return from family camp. I want to go camping SO badly!!!!

  4. I always love seeing picturs of you and Chris with Bekah. She is such a cute baby!!!

  5. I think you are confusing the Michigan and Maine trips. In Michigan we washed our hair--why?? I really can't remember why the heck we did it. I am sure there was some reason.

    In Maine, the water was freezing, so we were barely in it. Becky might be right--we may not have even had our bathing suites with us.

    What memories!

    By the way, the pictures of Bekah look GREAT. Stay tuned for our big news!

  6. Sarah--I've been looking at high chairs, and I like the look of wooden ones like yours, but I keep hearing that they are a nightmare to clean. What do you think? and How old is yours?
