Monday, April 02, 2007

The Town of Grand Junction, Colorado

Chris, Bekah and I left for Grand Junction on Thursday. Bekah did very well on her first two flights on the airplain. We were very glad to get to our hotel for a good nights rest. I was exhausted from working so many days before leaving on vacation. Unfortunately, a good nights sleep was not going to happen. Bekah woke up around 11pm and screamed and cryed off and on for hours. I think she couldn't breathe lying down due to her cold. So I held her on my chest for hours and Chris held her for awhile. We got maybe 2 or 3 hours of sleep. I had my job interview at 10am that morning and did very well. I will hear back in a few weeks whether I am offered the job or not.

After the interview we met Jim B., our realtor, for lunch. Then we looked at several houses for sale. It was so much fun and I did find a house I liked but we have to wait for awhile to bid on anything there. After a good nap we went out for a drive and dinner.

The next day we drove through the Colorado National Monument ( pictures will be in the next blog). We drove all over the town and out towards where Megan and Phil live. We went back to the hotel early and enjoyed the hot tub and blogged a bit. On Sunday we joined our realtor at his church for worship. After a quick lunch we headed back to the airport. Bekah slept through both the flights. We got home way after her bedtime but she did great.

Well, we really enjoyed the trip and the scenery was fantastic. Chris and I are excited about moving to Col. and can't wait to see what God has in store for us. Enjoy the pictures of what we saw in G. J. These were all taken while driving around the town. You can see the hospital I hope to work at, the mountains surrounding the valley, and of course a few pics of Bekah. Enjoy!!!


  1. What beautiful pictures. It seems more wide-open then the Glenwood/New Castle area. The mountains are different too but they're both beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I'm excited to see more pics in the next blog. Love ya SOOO much!

  2. Wow! What an awesome place to live! My college roomie, Krista, and her husband and daughter live in Colorado Springs. When Leah was first born, I flew out and it was an amazing visit....CO is just such beautiful country. I especially loved "garden of the gods." I know it's a big state, but you'll have to get out that way too! Good luck on the job interview. I really hope you get it and can't wait to see pic of your new'll get one and I', sure it'll be great!

  3. Hello, my name is Sarah DeSalvo and I found your blog through a comment you left on Brian and Esther Writebol's blog. We are friends of theirs from way back. We went to school together in Ecuador, and then Dan (my husband) went to school at Moody with Brian. Dan's best friend Dave is Esther's brother! We are also missionaries with MAF but in Indonesia.

    Anyway. I just wanted to say that your daughter is a beautiful girl. I hope you have a great time in Grand Junction. We visited there on one of our deputation trips and found it to be such a fun town and such a beautiful area of Colorado. I also have a blog if you want to swing by for a visit =) It is
