Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The last pictures from Colorado

Kung-foo baby. Isn't she such a ham!!

She is really into her tongue right now.

This was the view from the back lawn of our hotel.

The view from the airport.

Bekah was such a good girl in the plane. She slept almost the whole time. Bekah woke up a few minutes before we landed in San Franscico and was just smiling and looking around.

We had a three hour lay over at the airport so we had some fun in the toy shop with our little pirate.

Waiting for the airplane to pick us up.

Baby got to see Grandmom as soon as we got to the airport in California.


  1. I love the pictures Sarah! I am sure Grandma was very glad to see her. :) Keep us updated.

  2. Very cute pictures!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful pics. She is getting WAY too big without me around!!! Can't wait to see her..and you of course. Getting all settled in here in CO. It's even more beautiful since everything is all green right now.
