Saturday, March 31, 2007

Downtown Grand Junction

This is my favorite sign that I saw. Every store should have one.

So we walked around downtown for awhile just to see what was there. This is Main St. in Grand Junction, Colorado. It is a nice little place with cute shops. Spent a little while talking to some of the owners of the stores and just had a nice, relaxing time. We went into a toy store and got some really cute pictures of Bekah. I will post more pictures soon of the rest of the area and of the Colorado National Monument. We are having a great time and will be heading home on Sunday.


  1. I love the pictures, especially the one with Bekah and the feathered boa!! :) I hope you had a great time and a safe trip home. I look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing about your trip!

  2. It looks like Bekah is clapping about the espresso/kitten sign. Maybe you'd better switch her of the milk and move straight to espresso...wink wink. :) Beautiful pics. Looks like you had a nice time. I can't wait to visit you in GRAND JUNCTION!!!

  3. Looks like you are having fun - miss you all and will see you soon we hope!
