Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More Bekah-Who Else?

I just love it when she smiles like this. Her whole face lights up and the world is a wonderful place.

Jeremy, This is for you. The junior high kids all loved the Trogdor outfit. Sorry you weren't feeling good and missed the premier of your gift to Bekah the Burninator. As you can see she thought it was cute too.

A little sunshine goes a long way with a cute baby.


  1. Hey - those pictures are great - she looks so happy and is sooooooo cute!!!!! Thanks for the new post! I know Jeremy will love the Trogdor pics!

  2. The post was for you steph. I know how much you love new pics. Bekah will have to wear her new Trogdor outfit when she sees Jeremy again.

  3. oh my! Those pictures are soooo cute!!! I'm glad I took a break from my homework to look at them!! She is getting so big and has a beautiful smile!!

  4. Sarah, What were you talking about...remembering the diamond game. Was that out of the blue or related to something. I don't know what you're talking about. Pray for me as I am STRESSED getting ready to leave for the weekend. I'll take lots of pics!!!
