Monday, January 22, 2007

A Little Fun With our Daughter

On my las blog I mentioned that Patricia said, "Bekah looks just like Chris with a barrette." My Aunt Jennifer commented,
"I'll grant you she does look a lot like her daddy, but until she gets the beard, she will safely never look just "like Chris in a barrette.":) This comment was provided on my last blog's comments and gave me a great idea for some pictures and a new blog. Enjoy!!

By the way, I was planning on just drawing on a beard with markers to Chris's mortification. He was very relieved when I couldn't find ones that would wash off and I changed my plan a bit. He still couldn't believe that I would do that to Bekah however. I just find her "change" absolutely hilarious.

After much begging and sweet talk Chris' parents agreed to play Settlers of Catan. We had such a fun time and Chris' mom won the game. She still states she had no idea what she was doing, but I think she did a pretty good job to beat so many old hands at the game. Good job mom!!


  1. Great pictures of Bekah - I love the blue outfit - very cute! I do have to say I can't believe you did that with the beard - but it is funny. Bekah might get you back someday though - so watch out! Be careful when you fall asleep when she is older :)

    Love the smiles!

  2. Hahahaha!!! That's my niece!!! Gotta love the fun we can have. :) I'm sure those pics will be precious to her later in life. I say, great job for the creativity...oh yeah, she does look more like Chris with the "facial hair."

  3. Regarding those top pictures -- Chris never looked cuter! :)

    You crack me up -- I'll have to post one of the shots I took of the bearded father & daughter together. :)

  4. I was just teasing about the her getting you back and not liking the pictures - I am sure Megan is right -

  5. Great pictures...When do you work with all the pics and posting
    Love you guys UNK

  6. Ok - so I am ready for new pictures - the beard is cute and all, but I am ready to see something new :)
