Saturday, January 20, 2007

Such a Happy Baby

We are really, really enjoying our little bundle of joy. She is such a blessing and so much fun. Her personality is just blossoming and she is really becoming a little person in her own right. Yesterday Patricia made the comment that she looks like Chris with a barrett in her hair. I do have to admit that she does look like him a lot. Bekah is sleeping through the night and goes down for bed with out a fuss each night which is just wonderful. She and I made it through my first days back to work without too many tears. When Chris couldn't watch her Stephanie C. got to spend time with her. It is such a blessing to know she is in a safe place with someone who will love and care for her so well. Bekah is almost 13 lbs and growing so fast. It is hard to keep up with her in the clothes dep. Enjoy the new pictures.


  1. She is so cute. She really does look a lot like Chris.

  2. What a doll. I love the half-naked pics with just the diaper.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'll grant you she does look a lot like her daddy, but until she gets the beard, she will safely never look just "like Chris in a barrette.":)

  5. Love the smiles - I think she does look like Chris as well. I can see it more as she grows. Thanks for sharing.
