Sunday, February 04, 2007

Grandparents visit

Bekah picked this flower for her daddy. Isn't she so cute with it?

This is such a nice picture of my parents. We had a fun time going out to dinner with family.

We celebrated my Grandma Martha's birthday. Doesn't she look swell!

My mom just adores Bekah and we got some pretty cute pictures of her with her grandbaby.

Grandpa Karl just loved getting to see Bekah again. They had lots of fun talking together.


  1. Looks like they had a great time - I am sure Bekah enjoyed her time with her grandparents! Cute pictures - she is looking so much older - - - wow!

  2. Cute pictures! Are you sure you have to take her with you when you move? :-(

  3. I think Bekah would really miss her mommy and daddy if we moved without her. Besides we kinda like her alot and would miss her too.

  4. ...and her Aunt Megan wants to be MUCH closer to Bekah! She is getting so BIG! Very cute pics. Check out my blog for a new and exciting post...lots of pics.
