Saturday, July 01, 2006

Trip To Southern Cal.

This week I flew down to stay with Megan and Phil. The baby kicked so hard on take-off on the airplane. I don't know if the baby liked it or didn't. It was so fun to spent time with my sister and she enjoyed seeing me pregnant and feeling the baby kick.

Megan and I had so much fun shopping. We went to about 25 places in 5 days. We got so tired from all the walking and we took a nap every day. Then went hot tubing and swimming (only hot tubing for 5 min) then watched a movie. This is Megan's living room when we were half done with it.

We had fun with the pictures.

Megan tourtures her kitty Puma all the time. She was lots of fun to play with.

Before dinner came at Stonefire Grill we made pictures on our plates. This one Megan and Mom did.

I did the skateboarder on Megan's plate.

Megan made a sweet (hah) picture of my baby.

I was thrilled when Megan showed me the expectant mother parking spot at the mall. Of course we parked there.

Mom, Megan and I went shopping at the mall. We found some really cute maternity clothes and then went to lunch.

Megan packed a huge bowl of food to cook on the wok at the food court. Even though we shared one portion we still couldn't finish it.

We went out to dinner lots. Yum!! Megan and Phil-how cute.

Mom and I enjoyed a good meal with Megan and Phil before driving to Santa Rosa.

Phill drew a picture of me at Wild Thymes Rest. I'm not sure how close a resemblance it is but he tried really hard.

It was so good to get home after being on the road for eight hours. I missed Chris so much!! He surprised me with a mustache and goatee. I wasn't so thrilled. Way too pokey for my taste. But good to see him anyway. Now off to family camp for a week.


  1. What a fun trip :) Have fun at family camp...:) Just think next year when you go you will have a baby with you :)

  2. Wow that sounds like a fun trip. Eating, shopping and sleeping. Awesome!! Have fun at Family Camp. I'll see you up there on the 4th!
