Monday, June 19, 2006

Baby Update With New Pictures

Great News! Well, we went to UCSF for the ultrasound today. Everything looked really good and there seems to be no problem with the baby's growth and development. We both think the baby looks bigger than he did a week and a half ago. It was so fun to see our child again. The tech spent a good 45 min. showing us the baby and taking measurements. Then the doctor looked at the baby too for another 20 min. I could have gazed at our baby all day. The echo of the baby's heart was good too. The tech was very funny. He put Toy Story 2 on for us to watch during the hour long sonogram. It did entertain Chris for awhile. He would watch it then look at the screen of the baby's heart. The tech also drew a smily face on my belly with the goop! God is so good and has given us such a blessing. I am so glad that there are no problems, but as we told the doctors, even if something was wrong we would still love the baby and take care of it no matter what. I am thrilled that I get to have another ultrasound in about 10 weeks to see how the baby's growing. It could be a little smaller than it would have due to the single artery. Here are the cute pictures we got from the ultrasound.

Say hello to our baby again. This is the baby's face and a little fist. The brain was perfect. We got to see the ventricles and they looked great. Quite a few times we saw the baby's nose and lips. We both think that the baby has my nose (Sarah's). He kept yawning and opening his mouth. We are both so in love with our baby already and can't wait to see him. I am calling our baby a him even though we don't know if it is a boy or girl. So don't get excited and think that I spilled the news. We are waiting till the baby is born though it is very, very difficult for me.

The baby was waving his hand around and pointing here. I think he was telling us to stop squishing him and bothering him. Our little one is so active and expressive already. Watch out when he comes into the world and is able to tell us what he really thinks.

Every time we saw the baby's arms and hands he/she had them next to his face. Here he is in the thinking pose. He had his hand curled up with his chin sitting on it. One of the hands was always touching his face.

The baby's foot is kicking out here. I have no idea what else is in the picture. Maybe the cord? My little one keeps kicking and jumping around inside me. I can see little bumps once in awhile when it kicks extra hard. The first time this happened I called Chris at work totally excited. A couple days later he got to feel our baby kick too. I get a little thrill each time I feel him move.

Here is a pic of the baby's face. You can see his/her eye. A little freaky-freaky but cool.


  1. Very cool - we are rejoicing that things are well! God is good and we are thankful it was a fun day of seeing the baby!

  2. Just so we are clear here, we do not know what the baby is. Sarah got tired of typing He/She so she just put he but we did not get any conformation on the sex.

  3. I realized that as I read on, but absolutely could not pass up the chance to give her a hard time since I keep telling her a boy first would be awesome! It was just tooooooo perfect - when I read and she referred to it as "he" - I had to seize the chance to tease her! :):):):) We will just all be surprised in November (or October) - yea!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Sarah, I am so glad everything is OK! I know that can make you breathless. I really prayed. I know you will and would love the baby no matter what, but it is such a blessing to know he or she is so healthy! God is good! Isn't it amazing seeing all those pictures? How can one NOT believe in an ultimate creator? You are so blessed....

  5. I am so excited for you both. I can't wait to meet your new little one this fall. My family is all praying for you all!!

  6. I am so glad the baby is okay :) So do you have feelings that is a boy or just randomly picked "he?"

  7. Julie, I actually think that it is a girl but we are not sure. I just put he b/c it was easier to do. We will see what we get!!

  8. I can't wait to find out :) Well if mine is a boy (which it could be based on the ultrasound we had) and you have a girl we will be doing what we said we would be doing, me have the boys and you have the girls :)

    Mine feels like a girl too so we will see.
