Saturday, July 08, 2006

Family Camp at Hartstone

We went to Family Camp at Hartstone for an entire week. We had so much fun hanging out with friends from our church. Here are a few pictures of the stuff we did there. Hope most of us can go next year.

One night we all sat around the campfire and roasted smore's. There is nothing like a good smore roasted over a campfire.

Morgan was so good with the kids and they loved him.

Stephanie and I brought our nail stuff to share. I think that almost every woman there left with beautiful toes. We had so much fun we even offered to do the boys. All of them declined. Don't know why!

One of the games we played was catch the water balloon that was shot from a sling shot. I caught 3 but they all popped.

Kevin Boesler was the speaker for the week. He brought us some challenging messages from the word of

The Hartstone Lodge where we ate and hung out.

Ladies night out was so much fun. Ladies in the church of Ukiah hosted all of us. They provided yummy goodies and fellowship. After a devotional we did facials and massages on each other. I have some other pictures but am afraid that I will loose all my friends if I post them. We did look very scary in the candlelight with the masks on our faces.

chris had fun video taping everyone on the water. I was very disappointed that I couldn't tube. It was lots of fun anyway though.

Each family got to go on a boat on the lake. We went on the Blyehl's boat. Jeremy and Stephanie had a blast tubing. Steph got knocked off once and Jeremy twice. Little Morgan Maudlin kept calling Jeremy, Bob the whole time. It was so cute.

Lake Day was really cool. We got to see almost all the Hoffer children get baptized. This is Kennedy. It was a very neat experience.

Chris and I waiting for lunch. (I am now 6 months pregnant)

Everyday we walked to victory circle for a worship time. Aaron Willis, Stan Willis and Morgan Reed led us in song. Aaron only dropped to guitar pick into the guitar once and caused quite a funny distraction while he tried to get it out.

For the 4th of July most of us drove to Ukiah and hung out in the Railys parking lot for the fireworks. It was a pretty good show and it was free. Lots of fun too.

We sat next to our friends Jeremy and Stephanie W. We passed the time talking and playing Pass the Pigs.

Stan Willis wanted to be in our family pictures. How cute.

We finally got a picture without extra heads in the way.

The river felt so good. I would only go in up to my knees b/c it was cold. Elijah Boyd told me it was cold until you swam for 20-30 minutes.

Every one is lined up for a turn. There was normally 10 people in line at any given moment. We even woke up to the sound of billiard balls at 6 am most mornings.

Chris got a winning streak and won 12 in a row at gutter ball.

Titus Boyd got completely spoiled at camp. There was always somebody willing to hold him and let Matt and Robin have a short break. He is such a joy to hold with his cute smile and good attitude.

This is what Chris looked like after pushing a multitude of kids on the rope swing.

The rope swing was very popular. The guys all got a good workout pushing the kids. The kids weren't the only ones having fun on the swing though. Here is Stephanie W. getting a turn. I had a couple turns as well. Fortunately I had the camera in my pocket so sorry there is no picture of me. :0)

Making our camp flag.

Each family at camp made their own flag to hang in front of their cabin. Chris and I both put our handprints in the middle and then painted a tiny baby hand under ours. We also put our dog and our kittys paw print on it. It turned out really well.


  1. How fun :) Look at you pregnant lady :)

  2. We did have fun, although I was thoroughly exhausted at the end of each day. What a price to pay for relaxing huh? Sarah (I forgot my login and password)

  3. Yeah! A new Kuhner blog to read. Thanks for sharing pics and details. I'm glad you had such an enjoyable time! Love ya and the time I was able to spend with you.

  4. family camp looked like a lot of fun! I wish i could of gone! ♥
