Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Brazillian BBQ Bobby Crocker Style

Auntie Shonna and Hannah played in the bounce house before everyone came over.  I love how Shonna can be so involved in the girls lives.  They just adore her.  Bekah had a great time swinging on the rope swing inside the bounce house.

 Many years ago a bunch of us came up with a fun idea for a get together.  We (all the wives) thought it would be great fun to have our husbands cook for us and compete for prizes.  We set up some ground rules and invited everyone. 

 The rules: The guy has to choose the recipe. 
 He has to shop for the ingredients.  
He has to make the dish and present it to the girls.  
Then the wives would taste everything and vote on the best appetizer, main dish and dessert. 

 We decided to call this fun evert the Bobby Crocker Cook-Off.  We just had fun hanging out and enjoying each others fellowship.  We have been doing it for years.  Some times the girls cook sometimes the guys cook.  We don't care as long as we get to enjoy fantastic food.

On another note, the guys in our group like to go to San Fransisco and eat at the Brazillian BBQ restaurant.   This place serves every kind of meat cooked in amazing, yummy ways.  The guys always came back talking about all the amazing meat that they were able to enjoy.  It is expensive and most of the girls could never eat enough to make it worth while.  

SO I decided to combine the two events.  We had a Bobby Crocker Cookoff, Brazillian BBQ style.  The rules were slightly different this time.  You had to make some kind of a meat dish, plus bring a salad or dessert.   I guessed that we should have something to eat besides just meat.   I made a bunch of batches of Brazillian Cheese Puffs to enjoy too.

We had amazing food: Bacon wrapped Filet Mignon, Tri-tip, Smoked Ribs, Citris Roasted Chicken, Grilled Tuna, Pizza and more.  

 This was so much fun!  We'll definitly have to do this again.

Sue, Morris, Chris and Jared hang out waiting for dessert.  I was so busy eating that I didn't take any pictures until after the main course was finished. 

Can you believe that this is gluten free.  I made a GF version of Caffe Latte's Turtle Cake.  Yummy!

Our friends Karoly,  Alexandra and Madeline enjoyed the food and fellowship.


Byron and Toy

Sue and Morris

Kelly and Wendy

Love this sweet picture!

Our new friends came to the BBQ.  

Love the cute boots!

Adorable Madeline wants to say "Cheese" for the camera.

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