Wednesday, September 26, 2012

All those funny saying that make me laugh!

How time does fly.  My little ones are growing up so fast.  I try hard to write down the sweet and funny things that they say so that I don't forget them.

Luke ( a boy in her class at school)told Bekah that he loved her and wanted to marry her. Bekah looked at him and told him that she had options and wasn't sure if she was going to marry him. She said that she might marry him or Crew or Josh or Max. Oh my!

I was giving my husband a hug and a kiss this morning while Hannah sat on the counter watching us. She piped up and said, "Keep your hands to your self!" We both just about fell on the floor laughing.

Hannah whispered to her Grandmom tonight, "If I eat too much, I'll get a baby in my tummy."

Hannah was telling Daddy about two books that the Berinstain Bears wanted to read, "The Three Fighting Kittens" and "The Three Billy Goats and the Gruff". Love how she mixes up the titles.

I wasn't feeling good yesterday and Hannah claimed she wasn't either. She looked at me and said, "Since we're not feeling good let's just not pick Bekah up from school today. Ok? " Umm. . . I think Bekah might have a problem with that.

Our van is in the shop, so we got a rental car. Bekah opened the door to get in today. She was very impressed. On the way to school she told me, "When I opened the door to the car I said, Gosh, then i GASPED because it was so beautiful." Make me laugh so hard.

Bekah, "I'm going to marry Crew!"
Papa, "Well, he has to talk to your daddy before he marries you." Bekah, "He can't ask my daddy. He doesn't know where our house is!"

Stephanie Writebol, so Bekah was sobbing before you were even in the car. Bekah said, "Allie told me not to tell you, but I'm going to tell you anyway. I am moving to Witchita, KS when I am grown up. I'm going to be next door neighbors to Allie. But don't worry mom, I'll still come visit you." Love how they are planning for the future.

Today I watched an advertisement with Bekah. At the end of it the guy said, "I am a mormon." Bekah looked at me with a question on her face and asked, "Why did he say he was a woman?"

Sayings from the girls from June, July, August, September

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