Thursday, May 10, 2012

I want to do more

I just spend a delightful evening with my Uncle  Dan and Aunt Rita.  We sat around our bonfire (my favorite thing to do), talked and enjoyed smore's.  This was my Aunt Rita's first time to have them and of course she loved every bite.  Well come on, who doesn't love chocolatey marshmallowy goodness between two graham crackers.

The girls are tucked into bed and my sweet heart is watching a movie with friends.  I am snuggled up on the couch with a blanket and my computer.  Me time is so nice.  I love the quietness and the stillness when I am left to myself.  It doesn't happen often, but when it does I treasure it and make the most of it.

I have been thinking a lot in the past few months about missions, the poor and the orphans.  Some of the blogs that I read have really challenged me to think about this and meditate on what I can do.   These are some of my favorite blogs.   I have fallen in love with their families.  They challenge me to think about the world through God's eyes.  Check them out!
A Place Called SimplicityInternational Voice of the OrphanSit a Spell

 I so want to go on missions trips and stay for months in places where I could serve the least of these every day.  This is not the right time in my life to do that and I get that.   My kids are little, we have a house we can't sell and I have a good job that allows us to pay the bills and have health care.  Someday though, I will go where God calls and spend time where He wants.  For now, this is where He wants me to be.

In the mean time, what can I do?  I want to make a difference.  I build relationships with those around me.  Take meals to those that need it.  Paint and clean for the Lord for those that need it.  Pray daily for those God puts on my heart.  But I want to do more.

 A bit ago I was reading a post on Sit A Spell.  They were talking about a group in Haiti that teaches the people there how to make jewerly out of cereal boxes.  They then are able to sell this jewerly to people in the states and make enough money to keep thier families intact.  Moms and dads that would be placing thier children in orphanages to keep them alive are now able to keep thier beautiful treasures with them and love them.  Got Cereal Boxes  This is amazing!  Someday they will be self sufficient.  Until then, they need people to send them cereal boxes.  That got me thinking.  I can do that!  I have the time to flatten my cereal boxes and put them in a box in the garage.  Even the kids can do it.  Maybe if I do this, one child can be kept with her parents.  One child won't have to spend the rest of her life living without a mom and dad, without love and security.  I can do this.

Will you do it with me?  Will you collect cereal boxes and give them to me so that we can send a bunch to this amazing organization in Haiti?

I want to know what you are doing for Him.  How does your family make a difference here in the states or over seas?

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