Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More Fun Times at the Laffans

So many of my friends have moved or are moving.  This makes me so sad.  I hate saying good-bye to close friends that I consider family.  (You know who you are.)  It is great that I can still maintain those friendships though.  Now I have lots of friends all over the country to visit on a road trip someday.

However, Michelle is moving but only 30 minutes away.  I am enjoying helping her get her house ready to move into.  It is so fun to allow the kids complete freedom to play in their huge yard.   My body hurts from working so hard, but my soul is happy to have my friend so close.

All ready for a fun day of painting.

We were so glad that Brittany came up to help.  What an awesome neice I have.

Dan and Michelle

Notice anything funny about the fan?  I'm thinking about getting one just like this.

Max and Judah

Getting those windows clean.

One of the kids rooms was turned into the pantry.

Taking a quick break before working until the sun goes down.

This is the back yard and the trail down to the creek.
The back yard after Dan spent all day weed wacking.

The road on the property leading to the "cave".

This is the beautiful river in the back of their property.

Walking along the creek bed.

Max climbed up the huge rock in about 4 seconds.  He is a little mountain goat.

Check out the wild life.  

Hannah was trying to be like the big kids and was wading in the creek.  She slipped and fell, started crying then fell again.  Paul saved her.  She was not too thrilled about the freezing water.  As she walked back to the house in her undies she talked about how brave she was.

I talked Michelle into painting her kitchen red.  I love it.  Michelle is loving it now but was a little nervous.

Working hard to finish the wall.

Proud momma watching the kids on the new tire swing.

The living room is half painted.  We are getting there slowly.

Judah got a bit of paint in his hair.  Love the new look.

Four people, 10 hours, buckets of paint, Three and a half rooms finished.  Two days later, two people and another eight hours finishes all but the last little room.  

I couldn't help my self.  Had to paint a smiley on the wall.

The living room/dinning room.

This is part of the decoration on the bedroom door.  Love it!

Nap time for little ones.

The guest house.  The kids spend most of the rainy day on this little porch.  So fun to see them enjoying the friendship of each other.

Finishing the last main wall.  I had to talk Michelle into using this paint on the beam and the wall, but we both loved it once it was done.

The house is almost ready to move into!

The finished living room. . . well, the paint is done, now for the floors.

All done painting for today. We have decided that the new look is patriotic, farmhouse chic.  What's not to love.  Now to move in and decorate.

Michelle and I took a 5 minute lunch and a 5 minute dinner.  This was the kids dinner-a bag of cheetos.  Well, it won't kill them and the kids loved their "dinner".

1 comment:

  1. The colors look great! I bet it was a lot of fun to help them out :)
