Monday, October 03, 2011

More funny stories about the girls

I love when Hannah looks up at me with loving eyes and says, "Even if I'm grumpy or disobedient, you still love me."

Sometimes I just don't follow. My little Hannah was just speading bark all over the sidewalk. I asked her not to do that. With all seriousness she told me that it was for the ducks. " Oh", I said, "the ducks?" "Yes", said Hannah. "The ducks like raspberries. The bark is the raspberries." I said, "Well, can you put the raspberries in the bark where they belong." Hannah was certain that she could not since the ducks had to swim in the water and there was no water over there. I just left it at that. What else could I say?

Hannah keeps telling everyone that she is going to the pumpkin patch to get her birthday. We are celebrating at the pumpkin patch but I think she is slightly confused about how it all happens.
Today I had a Mommy/Daughter date with the girls at a local donut shop. I can't eat anything there, but the girls enjoyed it. Bekah ate her donut all up and loved it. Hannah, not so much. She picked off a sprinkle and asked what was inside. I said sugar. From that moment on, she would pick up a sprinkle, crush it and shout, "It is SUGAR!!" She only took two bites of donut but she had lots of sprinkles with sugar.

Kids are not stupid. Bekah just was playing doctor/sick baby with Hannah. Bekah was the doctor and made Hannah lay on the couch because she was sick. After instructing Hannah not to move, Bekah ran over to get the little people's house. I heard her say, "I can play with this all by myself because Hannah is stuck on the couch."

Hannah gets so excited when she sees peekadots. (Her term for polkadots) I love it.
Everytime the girls aske to be dismissed from the table, Hannah says, "May I be accused." Bekah says, "May I be remissed." Well, close enough I guess.

Last night I was putting Hannah to bed. She started asking questions about where the sun went when she went to bed. I said that it was on the other side of the world, where Romel (our compassion child from the Philippines) and where India is. We pray all the time that the people of India would learn about God and love Him. She piped up, "Is the sun learning to love God?" Precious.

The other day I asked Bekah if she wanted presents or money for her birthday (she is really into buying things all by herself at the store). She said clearly and loudly, "I want presents AND money!!!!" What a smart girl.

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are too funny!! I loved the sick on the couch story. Bekah is one smart cookie! Thanks for sharing these sweet stories.
