Saturday, October 01, 2011

Happy Birthday Darling Bekah

Five years ago my life changed in a moment. In one moment I went from a wife and soon to be mommy, to a real mommy. I had been dreaming of that moment for years. All I ever wanted to be as a child (besides a nurse) was a mommy. I dreamed about holding my precious child in my arms and kissing her little nose. I dreamed about rocking her and cuddling her while the CD played soft, beautiful lullabys. I couldn't wait to bath and dress and snuggle my darling baby.

And then my first little girl was born. My darling Bekah. You were everything I had ever wanted. You were everything I dreamed you would be. I adored you (and still do!). Each moment spent with you was so precious. I remember the first time I held you. You were so little and precious and my eyes lite up with the joy of you. That was one of the best moments of my entire life. I loved you so much I thought my heart would explode. Every moment was special because you were there to share it with us.

Darling Bekah, you are almost five years old. You have grown up so much! I love spending time with you. I truely wish every day could be filled with our special Mommy/daughter dates, playing in the park, cooking in the kitchen together, eating ice cream at every place in town that sells it and snuggling on the couch with you reading a whole stack of books. I know that life flys by so quickly. Too soon you will grow up and not want to spend time doing all the little things we do. I try to make every moment with you count. I try hard to give you tons of hugs and kisses and make sure I tell you all the time that I love you. I am having the best time of my life with you here by my side. I want you to know that no matter what you do or where you are, I love you. I always have and I always will.

I absolutely love seeing you become the girl that God wants you to be. You are learning to take care of your sister and to be gentle with her. Lately you have been playing so nicely with her while you dig in the dirt together, play mommy/baby or doggy together, or just have her sit next to you at dinner. The other day you and Hannah were throwing toys down the stairs. By the time I stopped you, one of Hannah's dolls was broken. I repremanded you and then went back to the kitchen. As I turned to go I heard you tell Hannah, "I'm so sorry, Hannah. I didn't mean to break your dolly. Will you forgive me? I'm so sorry." It made my heart so glad to hear you say that so gently and lovingly. I can see God working in your life and in your heart. I pray all the time that you would let God change your heart when it is hard and sinnful. That He would help you to repent and make it right with those you have wronged. Not because I want you to, but because He wants you to. That way you can be close to God and close to your family and friends. Everytime you see the wrong you have done and truely are sorry and ask for forgiveness, I am so happy. Happy to see you do the right thing and to have you close to my heart again.

We pray every day for missionaries and their needs. You love praying for them and you are so sweet as you pray. God has given you a heart for those that need Him. I absolutely love seeing God touch your heart with compassion for those that are hurting, sick or sad or for those that don't know Him. We are praying often for the kids in India to be able to go to the Bible clubs. We also pray for the literacy program for woman and for new churches to be started. We got a special box to save up our money to give to Mission India so that they can help the natives share God's love and His message of salvation. As soon as we got the piggy bank for India, you ran over to your piggy bank and emptied it all into the one for India. You have such a generous heart.

Bekah, you love life and all that God has given you. I love how you get so excited over all the little things: reading books on the couch, reading our Bible books, going to the library, going on walks or to the park, getting to use your umbrella in the rain, sipping hot cocoa in front of a warm fire, getting to watch a movie or take a bath, going to the beach or out for icecream or just getting pushed on the swings. You embrace all that God has given you and you make me smile. I look forward to all the days ahead that I get to spend with you. I can't wait to see what you do for God as you grow into the daughter that He wants you to be.

I love you, my darling Bekah

Love Mommy

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