Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Snow Time in Colorado

Megan and Phil snowboarded at the local park. They talked my dad, Chris and me into trying to snowboard. We each tried a few times on a little hill that went right into the playground. We finally had to stop when the sun set. Oh, and the camera ran out of batteries.

This was one of my first attempts at snowboarding.

My sweet little sister and me.

This was an awesome shot of Megan flying by me.

Ready to go snow boarding at the park.

I love that my dad looks like he went face first into the tree. Don't worry, he wasn't harmed in the making of this picture.

We went out sledding at a local park. It was so much fun.

Hannah went down the hill all by herself 12-15 x's. She loved it and only fell on her face the last time.

Taeya didn't want to keep her mittens on. Then she got cold hands and wanted her mommy's gloves.

Even Chris had fun sledding.

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