Monday, January 04, 2010

Christmas in Colorado

Our family was able to go to Colorado to visit my sister and her family for Christmas. We had a hard time getting there since our flight was canceled. We ended up getting a shuttle to San Francisco, staying in a hotel, getting up at 3:30 the next morning to make a 6 am flight. Once in Colorado we had a wonderful time. My parents were able to be there and celebrate with us and that was very special. We had a great time playing games, playing in the snow and just being with family.

My darling Hannah is all ready for Christmas!

One of my favorite pictures.

Megan, Philip and Taeya make such a great picture.

Taeya had such a sweet smile.

Bekah loved her sock monkey!

Taeya is all dressed up for Christmas.

Papa Karl held Hannah during breakfast. She was so sick and just wanted to be held. At least there were lots of arms to hold her.


  1. Such sweet pictures. Looks like you had a nice Christmas :)

  2. Great pics Sarah! I love the one of Hannah in her dress. Those matching dresses are adorable.
