Monday, October 20, 2008

Will It Ever End?

Wide away for mommy. How nice!!

I have had the longest week ever. Twenty three hours of labor. A fast delivery of a preterm baby. Three days in the hospital. Lots of visits to the NICU to see baby Hannah. And I ended the week with a 10 hour visit to the ER. The hospital is getting to see way too much of me. This morning I experienced severe abdominal pain and Chris rushed me to the ER. After a few doses of Morphine I was able to start feeling much better. They did an ultrasound and a cat scan and really have no idea what is wrong. Possibly a kidney stone or something. The doctor asked me if I wanted to stay in the hospital so they could watch me. I said, " NO thanks!!" After 10 hours of no food and lots of waiting, they let me go with some pain medicine.

I was able to go visit Hannah. What a blessing to be able to hold her and snuggle with her after such a day. She nursed really well for 10 minutes and that was awesome. She just calms down so quickly when I hold her and cuddle her. I am home now and really, really tired. God is so good. I have a baby that is getting better and I don't have to have surgery or stay in the hospital. I feel like the world just keeps spinning around in circles and just won't end. Please be praying that the pain will go away and not come back. I really want to just be a mom and bring my baby home. All in God's good time!!

Bekah's birthday kind of got overlooked this year. Not sure why. . . . So on Sunday Grandmom and Grandpop got Bekah her birthday present. A pink 4 wheeler. Bekah had so much fun riding it around the house. Four wheeling in her beautiful dress. What style!!

Thank-you Aunt Jen for the cute dress for Bekah. She looks amazing in it. It took me awhile to get a good picture of her in it but I got these two good ones for you.

Beautiful, beautiful baby. I love snuggling with Hannah and smelling her sweet baby smell.

Hannah got off the bilit lights today. No more!!


  1. Great pictures - and we are praying for you!!!!!!!! Let us know if we can help with anything. Can't wait to see you all! So fun to see her eyes open :)

  2. Wow! You have had quite the week! I'm sorry to hear about your hospital scare. I will be praying that the pain stays away for good and that Hannah can come home with her sweet family soon. Thanks for keeping us posted. I miss seeing you around and our chats.

  3. Love ya hun. I'll keep praying for you. Thanks for the update complete with pics of your beautiful girls. I can't believe how alert Hannah is. Such big eyes. Bekah looks so pretty in her dress.

  4. I am so sorry you are going through so much. I will be praying. You have 2 cute little girls there :)

  5. oh Sarah! Sometimes God allows the craziest things to happen. I told the boys the other day that hard times allow the most growth in the Lord. Without those hard times we forget to lean on Him. And we are so much more able to see His power and glory when we really need Him. We will pray for thankfulness and patience and a quick recovery for all.

  6. I am praying for you my dear!!! I love the pictures and I know they will inspire a few new flair -- I realized this morning I need to add Hannah to my flair board! :)

    I'll be calling you soon for an update!! XOXOXO
