Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hannah is doing better. A visit to the Pumpkin Patch.

Daddy and Bekah have fun playing.

We went to visit Hannah before going to the pumpkin patch.

Our first family photo- and Bekah wouldn't open her eyes.

Bekah had lots of fun visiting her little sister. She enjoyed sitting next to mommy. She had a pillow on her lap and her baby on the pillow like mommy. Rosie got her a baby bottle filled with cheerios. She loved eating them out of the bottle. Then Rosie gave her some stickers. She put one on Hannah's hat, on daddy, on her shirt and two in Hannah's isolette.

We went to the Mulerath Pumpkin patch. We did have lots of fun in the corn maze and riding on the hay ride. Bekah climbed the hay mound and got a ton of hay in her diaper. Ouch! It was fun being there with our friends.

Bekah loved the "big pumpkins". She ended up choosing a tiny acorn squash to bring home.

Our family-minus one.

NO MORE CPAP!!!! Yeah!!! I love that I can see her face now. She is so precious and sweet.

I was so excited that I was allowed to nurse Hannah today. She had nippled 8 ml from a bottle and then got very upset that she couldn't have more. She fussed and sucked on her pacifier for two hours until I got there. As soon as I took her out of the isolette and tried to nurse her, she fell into a very deep sleep. She just wanted her mommy. So I didn't end up nursing today, but she did nipple 15 mls from a bottle with lots of encouragement.


  1. Awe, I love the pictures (of course). I'm so glad she's improving. I hope you get to nurse her tomorrow.
    Bekah's looking so very old these days. She looks like such a big girl. The pumpkin patch pictures look like fun. I enjoyed talking to you tonight and you telling me about Bekah picking out the pumpkin.

  2. What cute pictures - sooooooooo glad she is doing better! We will just keep praying! Glad you got to go to the pumpkin patch - I am sure Bekah loved the time with Mommy and Daddy! Let's catch up soon -

  3. Hannah is so beautiful! I'm glad to hear that she is doing better.

    You look amazing Sarah for just having a baby! Wow!!! I'm glad that you, Chris & Bekah had a fun time with everyone at the pumpkin patch. Makes me wish we had a SS group like yours at our church. :)

  4. I'm so glad Hannah is doing better. We are praying for her. I can't wait for her to come home!!!
