Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pictures and an Update

So I am 35 weeks today. Praise the Lord!!!! I am having a lot of really hard contractions. Last night I was almost in tears when they got really hard. I had consistant contractions for almost 3 hours in a row. They persisted all night and have continued this morning. I have a feeling that the baby will not wait until Friday. We'll see.

My father-in-law, Wayne was so sweet to me while I was in the hospital. One morning he brought Bekah by to see me as a surprise. He also brought me my favorite treat: McDonald's ice cream sunday with hot fudge and carmel on it. He brought Bekah a little ice cream too. Bekah loved trying the carmel left in my cup. Another day he brought me a burrito and the next day, a big cold stone ice cream. Yummy!!! The food wasn't all that great so it was wonderful having treats brought to me.

Bekah came to visit me the day after I went into the hospital. I was still on the Mag and too sick and out of it to visit with her. Then she came down with a cold and wasn't able to come visit for a few days. Saturday I thought I heard her out in the hall way, but it was a different child. I almost started to cry. And if you know me, I don't just cry over nothing. I called Chris and begged him to bring Bekah to visit on Sunday. He did!! I really missed her. She was mad at me for a little bit. I found a lolly pop and that made all things right. After that when she came to visit she loved pushing the buttons on the bed and for the TV. Once she got my bed to almost fold in half (with me in it) and then got it locked. We had to get the nurse in to get the bed unlocked.

The view from my window.

More visits from Bekah. This day daddy brought her to visit and let her bring some cookies to eat too. She was eating cookies on my lap while I was doing her hair. She spilled half a cup of water on my lap and then 30 seconds later she spilled the rest of it on the other side of my lap. Fortunately right after that I got a shower and new dry blankets on my bed.

My cousin Allison brought me these pretty flowers.


  1. For being on bedrest for 9 weeks, you sure look good!! Praying for you and love you lots!

  2. We are praying for you - know you are ready to be done - - - look at how faithful God has been - - almost 36 weeks - yea :):):) Hope to see you soon!

  3. Well, no wonder you are having early contractions if you let Bekah sit on your tummy! (pics from the hospital) :-P

    I sure wish I could be out there to meet your two little-uns!
