Monday, October 13, 2008

Mom's 50th birthday party

My dad and I planned a birthday party for my mom. We pulled my Aunt Jennifer into it as well. She opened up her house to have the party at which was awesome. It turned out to be a really good thing since I didn't get out of the hospital until 4 pm that day. We showed up and every one sang a Rowlands off-key Happy Birthday song to my mom. We had lots of yummy desserts and a great time celebrating with family.

Happy Birthday Mom!

My dad made my mom a Half-cent tree for her 50th birthday.

Brian and Allison

Brian and Allison

Courtney, Catie, Michelle and Beamer

Our family gathered around to open presents.

Bekah had lots of fun playing in Beamer's dog cage.

Uncle John and son (David or Matthew- I can't tell which one)


Grandpa Chuck and Mom

Uncle Wayne

Karen and Dave Clark

Aunt Trish and Grandma Martha

Smile Aunt Jennifer!!

Emily and Cousin Brian

Dad and Bekah

Uncle Scott and Aunt Jennifer


  1. Oh, I wish I could have gone. Happy Birthday Mom! Love you.

  2. That was fun -- so glad you and Karl initiated it! The game was a big hit and I am thankful God worked it out so you could be there! :)
