Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nana and Papa's visit

These were a few of the last pics from the hospital. They were so cute that I had to post them.

Mommy with her precious bundle.

Hannah had to do a car seat study to make sure that she could keep her oxygen level up while in the car seat. She passed with flying colors.

My dad finally got to come and spend some time with Hannah.

Dad came down to visit on Friday-which also happened to be his birthday.

My mom made a yummy german chocolate cake which we all enjoyed.

Bekah really liked singing the Happy Birthday song to Papa Karl.

The day before Hannah came home we lit up the fire pit and roasted S'mores.

Bekah really enjoyed hers.

Bekah discovered her pockets.


  1. Sarah,
    Those were such fun pictures. I really liked the ones of Bekah eating the s'mores. She's such a pretty girl. Hannah looks SO much like Bekah as a baby. You should put some of Bekah's up for comparisons. Love you and I miss you tons too!

  2. Ahh!!! I want to come over and have s'mores :)

  3. Those pictures - adorable!!!!!!!!!!!! So when are we doing s'mores???????? I am ready :):)
