Monday, October 27, 2008

Hannah Came Home

On Sunday, October 26, we got the go ahead to take Hannah home. I was so excited. We ate breakfast and then left for the hospital. Chris finished Hannah's feeding while I signed the papers and packed up all our stuff. It was wonderful walking out of the hospital and putting Hannah in the car to come home.

All the girls, together at last.

Our whole family

Bekah was so excited to see her little sister. We had to let her look at Hannah while we were still in the driveway.


Papa Karl

Papa, Nana and Hannah

One of the sweet ladies from church that was helping watch Bekah while I was on bed rest brought Bekah a new dolly for when Hannah came home. This really helped her to adjust to having a new baby there (at least for the afternoon). She loved having a doll with her own paci, bottle, bib and blanket.

Proud Daddy

Bekah loves her Uncle Kevin.

Uncle Kevin couldn't wait to come over and see his new niece.

I love this picture.

It is so nice not having to drive to the hospital a couple times a day. Now I have the ultimate task of keeping Hannah happy, warm and feed 24/7. She is so small that it is hard to keep her warm, especially at night. We had to turn up our heat and bundle her up so much. She is eating well most of the time, though we do have to really encourage her sometimes. I love being able to snuggle with her and kiss her all throughout the day.

Bekah is being very helpful and sweet with Hannah. She really loves having her sister her when she can hold her and kiss her. She has had several meltdowns though. There has been so much change in the last 3 months and I think having someone taking her parents attention is the last straw. We are trying to give her extra love and attention to help her get though this part of her life. It'll be neat to see how God works in our family as we grow.


  1. Welcome home little Hannah - you are a doll!!!!!!! (Some dolls are bigger than you :) ) - but we are so glad you are home - God is so good!

    We cant' wait to see you all soon - I LOVED holding her today :):) So much more fun than seeing her in the isolette :) She is precious!

    Let us know if you need anything - we are here :):)

  2. Yeah for bringing Hannah home. The pictures are so sweet. You should take a picture of Hannah and Bekah's babydoll side by side. I want to see the size comparison. Love ya much. Hugs.

  3. I'm so glad that Hannah is home with you Sarah! I'm sure it is wonderful to have your baby home with you finally. :) She is so cute. Bekah will adjust before you know it. Give her little tasks "big girl" tasks that help you out (like going and getting diapers & wipes). They love this and she'll adjust before you know it. I hope to make it out to CA soon so I can meet both Bekah and Hannah! :)

  4. Yay Hannah!! The doll is a great idea. Has she tried nursing it yet :)

  5. Hurray! I will pray your life settles down soon!
