Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Best Easter Ever

We got a nice family picture after church on Easter Sunday.

My parents came down to visit and had a wonderful time seeing Bekah.

Before we sat down for Easter dinner, we had everyone gather in the living room. I had some big news to share with Bekah. After everyone was quiet I told Bekah that she was going to be a big sister in a little while. Little by little everyone got excited as they realized that I am pregnant. It was great news to be able to share with everyone. This is the picture taken right after I told everyone.

I found out that I was pregnant when we got home from church. I was so excited. I told Chris right away and then everyone else before dinner. Tuesday I went to my OB and got to see my new little baby. The baby looks just like a jelly bean with a heart beat. My doctor said the baby looks around 6 weeks but is too little to measure. That would put me due around the middle of November. Perfect!! In two more weeks I'll get an actual due date. Just wanted to let you all know.

Elyse, Alex and Chase (our tenants) joined us to celebrate Easter.

When we started the Easter egg hunt Bekah had no idea what to do. We told her to go find the eggs. She went over to one of them, picked it up, looked at it, threw it down, and walked away. She did catch on quickly after that though.

Bekah kept trying to pick up the carton with the eggs. She would walk a few steps, then fall and spill the eggs. Nana Laurie helped her pick them up.

Brittany and Jessie

Jessie helped Bekah find lots of Easter eggs.

Here's another one.

Where do I put the egg?

We had lots of family here for Easter. It was fun to celebrate with everyone.


  1. Congratulations! Looks like you had a great time sharing the news with family and friends! We are excited for you and praying for you!

    I loved the pictures of Bekah in her dress and looking for Easter Eggs. So did Bekah get excited about being a Big Sister?

    Keep me posted and know I am praying for you!

  2. I am excited that MY big sister is having a baby! I hope this pregnancy is an easy one for you. I was wondering when you'd spill the beans on your blog. :) Congrats again and again!

  3. Congratulations Sarah!!! I am so happy for you!!! Having two is great fun :) I pray you have an easy pregnancy :)

    Looking forward to "seeing" it through your blog :)

  4. Congratulations! That's so exciting!!

    The scary thing is that I'm already thinking about another one (a girl this time!), and we haven't even paid for this one yet!

  5. Congrats again Sarah! I am so excited for you. :)

    I'll be praying that your pregnancy goes well.

    I love Bekah's dress. She is so adorable. :) You looked really pretty in the pictures with you holding her on the ground. What a beautiful mom!

  6. YAH!!!!! im so happy for you! This is so exciting!
